Monday, April 20, 2009

Posie Pea

Hi there- craft fair at my Mom's work was a bit of a bust:( She said that she went to find our stuff and she couldn't even find it because the room so packed with so much oher stuff! That is good I suppose since the proceeds were going to charity and they were still able to raise a lot. So in the aftermath, I still have all my headbands and 6 of the 10 bibs/burp rags left. I will probably take them into the shop that I seel them at, but I thought I would off them up here 1st.
I sell the bib sets for $14 and the headbands for $8. If you scroll down, I have a picture that has everything on it. The only thing that I am out of is the John Deere sets. However, if anyone wants one, I still have plenty of fabric and could whip one up pretty quickly. Feel free to let me know...
Cheers everyone and I hope that you all get to enjoy the sunshine today:)
Posie Pea/Tishelle


Heather said...

You know i want a headband for Makena...let me go look at the pics.

Heidi said...

I know Kimmy wants to buy a set for a friend for her baby shower! Something girly. Just set one of the bib/burp cloth sets aside and she'll take it!